Do you have some holiday shopping to do this week for the gamers on your list? Including yourself? Well, we’ve got good news for you—two new e-books have been released as PDFs, and the Shadowrun, Fifth Edition Gamemaster’s Screen hits stores this week! Let’s take a look at all the stuff coming out, shall we?
First up—guns, guns, guns! Yes, it’s Gun Haven Heaven 3 (Battleshop, DriveThruRPG), and it is, as you may guess, full of guns! With more than thirty firearms, this book increases the options for any Shadowrun player, with weapons ranging from vintage collectibles to heavy-hitting machine guns. And it’s dual-statted, meaning that you can use it whether you are playing Shadowrun, Fifth Edition or Shadowrun, Twentieth Anniversary Edition!
And if you like the gear cards and spell cards we’ve released for Fourth and Fifth Edition, keep your eye on DriveThruCards in upcoming weeks for cards with all the Gun Heaven 3 weapons on them. We’re planning two decks–one with SR5 stats, another with SR4A stats.
Here are a few more details on the bevy of firearms waiting for you:
Lethal Force
You’re not a noob. You’re not a poseur. You’re a shadowrunner. When you pick a weapon, it’s with a purpose, and 99 times out of 100, that purpose is to bring suckers down. You’re going to choose your weapon carefully, and you know that the more options you have, the better your final choice will be.
Gun H(e)aven 3 is about options. Pistols, rifles, machine guns, even a flamethrower—they’re all in here, ready to take out to the streets. Take a look, check your options, and then pick a weapon that will stop your enemies in their tracks. Because when the guns come out, you want it ended quick and ended right—with you still in your feet.
Gun H(e)aven 3 has more than thirty new firearms, and they’re ready to use in either Shadowrun, Fifth Edition or Shadowrun, Twentieth Anniversary Edition. So whatever you’re playing, get ready to add more force to your arsenal!

Next up, we have Coyotes (Battleshop, DriveThruRPG), a full-featured book about border crossings. Whether you are trying to slip across a contested border like the line between Aztlan and the CAS, or you’re moving from territory controlled by the Seattle government to corporate territory by entering a headquarters, you need to know what security is going to be watching and how you can avoid being noticed. You also might want some help from a Coyote, someone who can help you slip across those invisible lines. With short fiction, tactical information, details on border security, Coyote NPCs, and even a short adventure, Coyotes has a wealth of information to add to your Shadowrun, Fifth Edition game!
Here are a few more details:
Over the Edges
The Sixth World has been carefully divided and partitioned to keep people in their place, living under the thumbs of those who draw the lines. Shadowrunners, though, have never been good at staying where they’re supposed to be. They’ve got goods to smuggle, bounties to avoid, and a host of other reasons to cross the walls and borders the rest of the world has put up.
These crossings aren’t always easy, and that’s where Coyotes come in—trained professionals with nerves of steel and steady hands who can help you sneak, talk, or just blast your way past almost any border. You may have to dig deep in your pocket to pay their asking price, but it’ll be worth it when you see the heavily armed checkpoint fading in the rear view mirror.
Coyotes has a wealth of information on border crossings, including details on Coyote tactics, descriptions of security at a variety of borders, sample Coyote characters, and even a short border-crossing adventure. It’s the complete package for cross-border excitement!
Coyotes is for use with Shadowrun, Fifth Edition.

And finally there’s the Shadowrun, Fifth Edition Gamemaster’s Screen (Battleshop pre-order), a vital Runner Resource that is scheduled to hit stores on December 18th. With a fine collection of tables from the book on one side and beautiful art showing shadowrunners inside the legendary Dante’s Inferno nightclub, the screen is the perfect accessory to make playing the game faster and easier—and to keep your players from seeing how you’re planning to make their lives very difficult.