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Ebook versions of Shadows Down Under by Jean Rabe now available

Do you need a good Shadowrun fiction fix? How about Shadowrun fiction by Jean Rabe? Who doesn’t need that? Shadows Down Under has made its way into various stores in physical form, but it has not been available in ebook formats until now. And when we say available, we mean all over the place–follow this link for all the places. Need a summary to whet your appetite? Here you go!

Someone-or something-is killing nightclub entertainers in Kings Cross, Australia. Striking from the shadows, methodical, heinous, the murderer has wrapped the bawdy, colorful community in a suffocating blanket of terror.

Ninniniru “Ninn” Tossinn, a troubled private investigator, joins forces with Baraka, an elderly Aborigine shaman, to uncover the truth behind the malevolent force-and put themselves on the Cross Slayer’s list. But can they defeat the darkness, survive Sydney’s powerful mana storm, and reach the true heart of the evil threatening the city Their search takes them from gritty alleys filled with gang symbols and worse to beneath the squatter-filled harbor bridge over shark-infested waters.

But as their investigation deepens, soon the Cross Slayer isn’t the only foe stalking them. Ninn and Baraka have to put all their trust in each other if they’re going to bring the Slayer to justice, uncover the conspiracy behind the murders, and stay alive long enough to do both.

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New Shadowrun fiction out–try the Seattle Gambit!

Nothing gets the holidays rolling like new Shadowrun fiction, I always say! Then my relatives stare at me, and then they go about their normal business. But you know what I’m talking about, right? So dive into the new piece of enhanced fiction, The Seattle Gambit—sequel to The Vladivostok Gauntlet and now available at the Catalyst shop, DriveThruRPG, and Amazon! Here’s more info:

Sucked Back In

Former shadowrunner Yuri Yehzov has discovered that the shadows have long tendrils. Life pushed him and Soren, his new partner in crime (and everything else), to Seattle, where they’ll have to do what thousands have done before them—figure out how to scrape by and attempt to build a life.

If there’s one thing the darker corners of the Sixth World have in common, it’s the tendency to explode into violence at any moment. Yuri will discover that Seattle’s shadows are merciless and unkind, but also full of opportunity for those who can think on their feet and keep flying lead from piercing their skin. Can Yuri move fast enough to stay upright in the worldwide capital of shadowrunning? He’s about to find out.

The Seattle Gambit is new Shadowrun fiction that also includes NPC, gear, and other rules that appear in the story. Read the story, then use the rules to dive into the action! The Seattle Gambit’s rules are for use with Shadowrun, Fifth Edition, though the basic concepts and story can also be used with Shadowrun: Anarchy.

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The darkest time of year brings Dark Terrors to Shadowrun!

The sun recently went down in Barrow, Alaska, and it will not be seen again until January 22. Seems like the perfect time to turn our attention to the things that go bump in the night–the things that freeze us between wanting to turn on the lights to see what’s out there, and wanting to stay in the dark because sometimes, it’s better not to know.

Dark Terrors is a new Shadowrun book looking at many of the terrible things and mysteries that hide in the dark corners of the Sixth World. And it’s available for PDF purchase now (Catalyst shop, DriveThruRPG), with print availability to follow. Here’s some more info:

Piercing the Night

You heard the scream. It’s important to remember that. Sometimes, when it’s late, and you hear something that sounds like a scream echoing through dark alleys, you try to convince yourself that it was something else. An animal. An illusion. Anything but what it sounded like.

But it was a scream. You heard it, and you’ll hear it again, because in the Sixth World, the supply of terror is growing. Bug spirits work to devour corporations from within. Shedim claim dead bodies and mobilize to their own dark ends. And the hidden corners of the metaplanes and the Matrix contain creatures that are best not imagined, because to imagine them is to sever ties with reason.

Dark Terrors is a catalog of the horrors lurking under the surface of the Sixth World. With plot updates and hooks, critter stats, and campaign information presented in an immersive style, it’s an invaluable resource for players ready to stay on the edge of their seats. It is for use with Shadowrun, Fifth Edition and Shadowrun: Anarchy.

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Shadowrun action blasting your way with new adventures!

Two new PDF Shadowrun books have come up, and they’re ready for runners to unleash all manner of chaos on them! First up we have Lethal Forces (Catalyst shop, DriveThru), an adventure that will test even experienced runners. Here are the details:

The Price of Power

Value is not a secret. When something is worth a lot of money, or conveys a lot of power, or both, people of the Sixth World know. They make it their business to know. That means that when you’re tracking down something with a lot of value, be cautious. You won’t be the only one after it.

In Lethal Forces, Mr. Johnson comes along spinning tales about secret research in a highly secure facility, which is definitely the sort of thing that has a lot of value. Mr. Johnson may not tell the runners who else might come calling, but what self-respecting team of runners relies on Mr. Johnson to give them the information they need? They’ll have to stay alert, keep their wits about them, and be ready for any and all opposition—including ones with scales.

Lethal Forces is an adventure for Shadowrun, Fifth Edition, especially for experienced runner teams ready for a challenge. The plot elements can also be used with Shadowrun: Anarchy.

Then we have a new Mission for you—Mission 07-06, entitled Windy City Chaos (Catalyst shop, DriveThru). And I’ll tell you this—this Mission more than lives up to its name. Here’s something to whet your appetite:

The Lost Colony

Maybe you might misplace a commlink. Or lose a box holding a few stray bullets. But who loses an entire community? Well, it’s Chicago’s Containment Zone, where a large group of people disappearing is not the strangest thing to happen this month. Or this week. Or today. But even if it’s not the strangest thing, it’s the one someone is willing to pay runners to investigate. So it’s important.

The thing is, a whole group of people doesn’t just disappear easily. Or nicely. Some of the powers that like to stay hidden in the Containment Zone are going to make themselves visible, and shadowrunners need to survive their appearance. And see if they can save some lives while they’re at it.

SRM 07-06: Windy City Chaos is an adventure for Shadowrun, Fifth Edition. Whether you have played a Mission before or are diving in right here, it presents a strong challenge for runners to see if they can survive some of the city’s extremes. Plot elements from this Mission can also be used with Shadowrun: Anarchy.

Shadowrun Missions, Season 7, Adventure 6

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