Crossfire: The Black Market

Shadowrun 5 Crossfire Logo

The Black Market deck is the heart of Shadowrun: Crossfire. It’s where you and your fellow runners pick out the tools you’ll need to get the job done. And you won’t be disappointed. Our design philosophy for the Black Market cards was that every one of them should be special. We cut anything that felt like filler and left it to rot in an alley.

You’ll run into some tough decisions when deciding what to buy from the Market. The first one is: do you buy for the long-term, or do you buy for the situation in front of you right now, which is rapidly going downhill? When you buy a card, it goes directly into your hand where you can use it the following turn, so it’s easy to buy tactically based on short-term plans. But if you don’t buy strategically to improve your deck, you’ll curse yourself later on.

The second dilemma is related to the four colors of cards, each of which is best at doing a single kind of damage. If you want to handle tough obstacles on your own, you’ll need the ability to do whatever type of damage is required. However, several Black Market cards reward you in subtle ways for focusing on one color. For example, Deathtouch does more damage when you have more spells in your deck, and Pair Programming requires you to discard another Hacking card to get its most powerful effect.

Finally, there’s the constant question of whether to spend your money now—since time is short and things are looking pretty bad—or save up for something big. The Black Market deck has four real doozies that each cost 9 nuyen, and they’re all game-changers. Odds are, one of them is going to be available . . . do you go for it?

Either way, my contacts in the Market assure me that your satisfaction is guaranteed.

—Sean McCarthy

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“There’s Gonna’ Be a Rumble Tonight…” Sprawl Gangers Interview with Randall Bills

Shadowrun 5 Sprawl Gangers Logo

When you’re a Halloweener,
You’re a ‘weener all the way
From your first cigarette
To your last dyin’ day.

When you’re a ‘weener,
If the drek hits the fan,
You got brothers around,
You’re a family man!

My apologies, chummers, I just can’t help myself. I assure all of you that this isn’t an April Fool’s joke. It’s hard NOT to break into song and dance when you have this much Shadowrun stuffed into a single year! The Year of Shadowrun is something of a revival of the franchise, and goodness knows it needed it! Shadowrun is a perfect storm of sci-fi, cyberpunk, and fantasy all rolled into one. There’s a bit of something for everyone, and it has retained a cult following since it’s inception in 1989. This year’s release list is a veritable buffet of dystopian delights that the franchise has slated for everyone! On the video game front, we have Shadowrun Returns, and Shadowrun Online, both slathered in awesomesauce. On the tabletop, we have the Fifth Edition of the RPG, and a healthy helping of Shadowrun: Crossfire, Shadowrun: Hostile Takeover, and Shadowrun: Sprawl Gangers. Top that off with a brand-spanking-new line of Shadowrun novels for dessert, and you have a feast for fans old and new alike!

Great ghostly tapdancing Dunklezahn with dinner, a movie, and a kiss goodnight! All of this shadow-goodness is going to be a real strain on the credstick this year!

I have the singular pleasure of being one of the “lab mice” for Sprawl Gangers, but I’m not allowed to talk about the details. I know, you’re probably thinking, “Quit being a tease, Belmont!” I hear you, chummers, and that’s why I have a little treat for you…

…I’ve snagged an interview with Randall N. Bills for Shadowrun: Sprawl Gangers!

Read Full Article.

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Sprawl Gangers Designer Diary 4

Shadowrun 5 Sprawl Gangers Logo

As I mentioned in Sprawl Gangers Designer Diary 2 (and Jason alluded to in his Introductory Box Set blog post), one of my goals right at the start was to try and achieve a thematic cohesion of terms—and rules as appropriate—across all the games we’re publishing during this Year of Shadowrun.

What do I mean by that? Well, here’s a sidebar straight out of the current draft of the rules out for playtest:

    Fusing magic with technology in a dystopian near-future setting, Shadowrun’s popularity has crossed into video games, fiction, and more—including this miniatures game—but the living, breathing Sixth World role-playing game setting has always been its heart.

    With that in mind, unlike many tabletop miniatures games that describe their models in impersonal rules terms, Sprawl Gangers, through its word choices and terms, attempts to bring every model to life as a flesh and blood part of Awakened Metahumanity. However, at the end of the day, while the terminology may be a little different from what a tabletop miniatures player is used to seeing, the rules will still have you squaring off with your models against your opponent and tossing dice towards victory!

But what does that actually mean for the game? It means, as much as appropriate, game terms and certain elements of mechanics are applied across the games. For example, in Shadowrun Fifth Edition you “make a Test” when trying to accomplish something in the roleplaying game, creating a pool of dice based on Attribute + Skill + modifiers against a Threshold value.

Those same terms and that same core mechanic for building dice pools are also emulated in Sprawl Gangers. When I want my Troll hardcore ganger to blast away and an Elven decker with his Remington 990, I make a Ranged Attack Test and build the dice pool as Agility + Firearms Skill + modifiers against a Defense Test made by the Elven decker.

We’ve also used as many of the same terms as possible during the design of Crossfire. And in fact, there are two terms that were specifically generated for Crossfire that I liked enough to fold them back into Sprawl Gangers: “Staggered” and “Critical.”

In Crossfire “Staggered” represents when a character is one step from collapsing, while “Critical” means the character has collapsed and he can’t do anything else. To emulate that in Sprawl Gangers, “Staggered” tokens are placed on a model for different reasons, such as taking damage, and limit the models actions, while the term “taken to Critical” is used when a model is eliminated and pulled from the playing area.

Why such a desire to cross-use terms/game mechanics like that? Won’t that mean the games play too similarly?

The easy answer to the later question is absolutely not. Each of these games is very distinct, with each bringing its unique flavor and its own fun to any table. However, working hard to implement as much cross-use of terms/mechanics as appropriate nets several desirable objectives.

First, it makes learning one of the new games when you’ve already got one under your belt easier. Love the RPG and want to try out Sprawl Gangers? You’ll be that much of a leg-up for the speed of understanding rules and tossing dice. Or if you’re moving from Sprawl Gangers to Crossfire. And so on.

Obviously this doesn’t mean we expect every person to play every game. However, my experience is that often if a person loves a universe, he or she loves immersing in that universe in a variety of ways. This works to lower the barrier of entry for that type of player.

Second, there are numerous examples of universes that have a variety of different style games within that space but some of them hardly feel like they’re even set within said universe. For example, when the original BattleForce box set published for BattleTech, the game terms and concepts used were so vastly different than anything previously done it was exceedingly difficult to get into the game, much less feel like the game you were playing was part of the over-all BattleTech experience. By striving to consistently use terms across all of the games of the Year of Shadowrun, we hope to accentuate Shadowrun as the pre-imminent experience and enjoyment of any of these games.

Whether you’re roleplaying, shuffling cards, moving miniatures or laying out a board, the name of the game should be having a blast immersing yourself in the Sixth World.

Next post I’ll start providing details on the actual mechanics and what you can do on the mean sprawl streets.

Randall N. Bills

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SR5 development: The reconfigured Matrix and the return of cyberdecks

Shadowrun 5 Logo with Text

In the last post on the Matrix, we talked about trying to simplify Matrix rules and bring them more in line with mechanics for the other areas of Shadowrun. Now we need to cover a little bit about how the Matrix is changing and what that means to the people who hack it.

Around the time Jet Set came out, I ran my gaming group through one of the adventures in that book focusing on Danielle de la Mar and her efforts to make a “safer” Matrix. After the session, the player in the group who has a technomancer character looked at me and said “That woman’s dangerous.”

And so she is. While the Matrix is not changing between Fourth Edition and Fifth Edition quite as dramatically as it did between Third and Fourth, it is changing. The major change involves the megacorporations realizing that a free and open Matrix does not serve their interests, and that Danielle de la Mar and her ilk provide the perfect excuse to clamp down on things in the name of public safety.

As mentioned in Storm Front, the Corporate Court is introducing a whole bunch of new protocols as part of this new Matrix. Old commlinks and their programs are no longer equipped to deal with the level of security these protocols present. Instead, if hackers want to be able to break into this new system and mess around, they need a new tool. It will be relatively small, discreet, and wireless-enabled, and it will have the tools and capabilities needed to do battle with the new security structure of the Matrix. All the device needed was a name, and we decided there was no need to invent a new one. We went back to the classic name: cyberdecks.

So why bring back cyberdecks? A lot of reasons. On the simple side, it’s because we like the name, and because we like calling people “deckers” (in Fifth Edition, “hackers” is an umbrella term for anyone who messes with the Matrix; the subsets of this group are deckers, who use devices to do this, and technomancers, who do not). Additionally, we wanted decking to feel both difficult and special–it’s not something just anyone can do. As is the case with any other specialization in Shadowrun, you have to commit to it.

As is the case with most gear in Fifth Edition, cyberdecks set your limits when performing Matrix actions. They’re customizable, giving you the chance to put a higher limit on the type of activity you expect to be doing frequently. As mentioned above, they’re wireless enabled, but they also can plug into systems when you want the advantages plugging in gives you–or if you’re dealing with one of those paranoid types who stores things on a non-wireless system. They do not come with a giant keyboard, unless you want that sort of thing for some reason.

The Matrix is a tougher place for hackers now. Security is tighter, and the Grid Overwatch Division of the Corporate Court is constantly on the watch for illicit activity. This gives deckers and technomancers the chance to buck the odds, show off their skills, and pull off amazing feats in the face of pressing danger. To us, that feels very much like Shadowrun should.

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