Crossfire Demo Box

If you attended Origins you might have run into Rob Watkins, a member of the Crossfire design team, giving nonstop demos of the game. Rob was using a prototype of the Shadowrun: Crossfire Demo Box.

The Shadowrun: Crossfire Demo Box is a trial version of the game that’s perfect for learning the rules. We carefully picked out a subset of the full game that shows off Crossfire’s feel and mechanics in a small, elegant package. The demo box takes you through a shorter, tighter version of the “Caught in the Crossfire” mission included in the full game—it’s the quickest way for new players to learn how to play.

We’ll have more people demoing Shadowrun: Crossfire at Gen Con and PAX Prime, but that’s not all! In addition, we’ll be making demo boxes available to retail game stores across the country once Shadowrun: Crossfire launches.

Retailers: Once you see new soliciations for Shadowrun: Crossfire, don’t forget to indicate whether you’d like a copy of the demo box

Gamers: Once you see details on our site letting you know Shadowrun: Crossfire is nearing a Street Date, let your favorite local game store owner know that you’d like them to order a demo copy!

And one final note. The demo boxes are only the beginning. We will be sending out materials and encouraging game stores to hold Shadowrun: Crossfire game nights—the demo box is the jumping-off point for the Crossfire fun to come. Stay tuned!

—Sean McCarthy
Shadowrun: Crossfire Design Team
Shadowrun: Crossfire Demo Kit Lead Designer

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Sprawl Gangers Designer Diary 6

Shadowrun 5 Sprawl Gangers Logo

Wow…it’s been awhile since a Sprawl Gangers Designer Diary. An apology for that. The launch of the Year of Shadowrun has proven…well…significantly more time intensive than we gave it credit for, so I’ve not been able to keep up on these as I would’ve liked.

With the so far wildly successful launch of Shadowrun, Fifth Edition, and with “most” of the insanity of Gen Con just about behind us, I’ve got a little bit of breather in here to provide an update (and hopefully send out a new playtest cycle) before the next insanity of actually working Gen Con begins.

In my previous diary, I mentioned starting to get into the specifics of what a model will be able to do during a game.

Well, since I’ve already done the work in laying out what occurs in a turn in the rules, thought I’d just crib directly from the Playing The Game section to give you a thorough slice of a turn:

The following rules cover exactly how play unfolds on the gaming table.

When playing Sprawl Gangers, follow the same basic format each turn to move and attack with your models. Players should not consider the list below a hard-and-fast set of rules for how to play the game, but instead a way to lay the framework, from which to build a fuller understanding of how the game works by incorporating specific rules from the rest of the rulebook.

The rough order of game play is as follows:

  • Before play begins, players select their gang models they’ll play with, along with their corresponding cards (these track model abilities throughout the game).
  • Next players determine which Mission they’ll be playing and build the terrain on their game table. Then, based upon the specifics of the Mission, they place their models. The game is now ready to begin.
  • Players roll Initiative at the start of every turn.
  • The player that won the Initiative Actives a single model. In any order the player chooses (provided the model can), the model takes 1 Move Action, 1 Attack Test and 1 Non-Attack Test.
    • Move Action: If moving, the player chooses how many inches the model will move, measures on the playing area, and then moves the model accordingly to the new location.
    • Attack Test: If making an Attack Test, the player determines range to the target by measuring between the two models, determines what cover may be in between the model and then uses that information to determine how many dice to roll. The target model then makes a Defense Test. Comparing the dice rolled from both Tests will ultimately determine if damage is applied to the target model, or not.
    • Non-Attack Test: If making a Non-Attack Test, the player determines the difficulty of the action to find a Threshold value, then determines how many dice to roll based upon the action. If the number of Hits on the dice equals or exceeds the Threshold value, the action is a success; if not, the action doesn’t succeed.
  • The player that won the Initiative Activates the next model, each time, in any order, choosing whether to take a move Action, make an Attack Test or Non-Attack Test. And so on until all the player’s models have moved.
  • The player that lost the Initiative now Actives his first model, following all of the exact same actions noted above.
  • Once both players have Activated all models, they enter the Upkeep Phase of the turn, determining if any gangers run away, applying any on going effects, as well as determining if any objectives were achieved.
  • Once the Upkeep Phase is over, the turn is done and both players roll Initiative again to start a new turn.
  • This basic procedure repeats until one side or the other wins, based upon the objectives of the Mission.
  • >>>>>

    Now if you’ve played really any miniatures games, most of that seems really straight forward. And if you haven’t but love the idea from trying Shadowrun in a miniatures style of game, the game will cover the details of what you might not be grogging.

    Regardless of your frame of reference, though, in my next blog post I’ll start to carve a little more thoroughly into that minutia of a game turn, as well as starting to talk about Interrupts, which is turning out to be one of the best parts of the game.

    Randall N. Bills

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    Shadowrun 5 Deluxe “Mayan” Limited Edition Preorders Sold Out

    Once again, Shadowrun fans are the absolute best!

    We announced last Thursday that online sales blew away our best ever sales records.

    However, almost a week latter I can beat that by a fair margin. For both Catalyst’ online shop and DriveThruRPG, Shadowrun, Fifth Edition doubled the previous launch day sales record for any other title ever published. But far more impressive, the first week of sales of Shadowrun, Fifth Edition have still doubled the prior best first week release sales.

    And that includes completely selling out of all of the Shadowrun, Fifth Edition Deluxe “Mayan” Limited Edition that we’d set asside for online orders, in one week. While there are still some left, they are specifically reserved for Gen Con and Pax Prime.

    Below you’ll find the updated bundle graphic show which bundles are no longer available.

    For retailers (or those that want to remind their local friendly retailer), the standard Limited Edition is still available for preorder (and of course the standard hard back). Also, don’t forget our Case Pack Deal of ordering 6 copies of any hard cover edition and receive a free in-store soft cover book!

    Thanks chummers!


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    Crossfire: Why I like to play the Street Samurai: Simplicity with Versatility

    Shadowrun 5 Crossfire Logo

    Sure the Street Samurai can deal a ton of damage—it’s one of the top damage dealing roles in the game. But the role also has many other tools it puts at your disposal.

    So how do you deal damage as the Sammy? By playing Katanas with other weapon cards. A simple combo that’s fun to play. Katanas also stack with each other, so buy lots of them if they show up.

    CAT27700_Black Market Cards_Katana
    The problem is that your damage is all black and colorless and there are very few obstacles you can defeat with just that type of damage. This color-focus is the Street Samurai’s weakness, but you can do something about it and still stay in your color.

    CAT27700_Black Market Cards_Sniper Rifle
    The Sniper Rifle doesn’t care what colors are left on the damage track. It clears the bottom two levels of the damage track regardless of what those symbols are. BAM! Headshot!

    You can always buy cards of other colors as well. Shadowrun: Crossfire has many cards that work well in other colors, so don’t be shy about buying them. Of course, that means the other runners will be buying your color of cards, too. The game works well with a little diversity in your deck.

    CAT27700_Black Market Cards_Monofilament Whip
    Another main focus of the Street Samurai role is taunting obstacles so they will face you. You do this by playing Monofilament Whip.

    As you can see, it’s even better when you play another Weapon card: you move an obstacle to face you and then it deals no damage to you. This is one of the best ways to keep your teammates going, but you have to watch out. You can’t use the Whip on your own obstacles, so next turn you’ll likely have a lot of trouble facing you. . . .

    CAT27700_Black Market Cards_Remington Roomsweeper
    . . . which is the perfect time to use the Remington Roomsweeper!

    It does its damage to ALL the obstacles (and bosses!) facing a runner. So whip ’em good, then Roomsweeper them! Note that if you use this combo with a Katana, the extra damage from the Katana applies to each obstacle that you damaged with the Roomsweeper, giving you major damage!

    CAT27700_Black Market Cards_Covering Fire
    Healing in Shadowrun: Crossfire is scarce. But Black does have one healing card in its color: Covering Fire.

    When you play it on your turn, you can heal a runner . . . but not yourself, so be careful when whipping obstacles to you! It also has one of the most powerful assist abilities.

    You can only play assists on another runner’s turn to help them out. In the case of Covering Fire, it completely prevents the damage done by one obstacle. If that isn’t enough, it also provides a damage. The assist on Covering Fire is very powerful, so you might have to think twice about using its normal ability. And don’t be upset if someone else buys this card. It’s great for anyone’s deck!

    CAT27700_Black Market Cards_Aztechnology Striker
    And finally, there’s the rare Aztechnology Striker.

    This is the biggest, baddest Weapon there is! So everyone will want it, even though it costs so much. It does a base of and 2 damage. But its real power comes from being able to move a bunch of obstacles to face you and have them all deal no damage. It’s one of the best ways to recover from a losing situation, and it can single-handedly allow your team to successfully abort, if the run has gone really sour.

    So there you have it. The arsenal available to the Street Samurai is powerful and simple to use. Have fun blasting and slicing your way through the streets!

    -Conan E. Chamberlain

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