July Street Dates

The following products have a Street Date of JULY 16TH, 2014:

Shadowrun: Run & Gun
Run & Gun ($49.99)
Guns and ammo cost nuyen. Mastering martial arts takes time. And learning how to use explosives without blowing yourself up takes patience and a steady hand. These weapons and more are out there, waiting for you. You have the chance to use them to become deadlier, faster, more dangerous than the next guy—and more dangerous than you were yesterday. You’ll have to pay the price to get what you want, but this is the Sixth World. Don’t you always?

Run & Gun is a combat core rulebook for Shadowrun, Fifth Edition, containing more weapons, more armor, more modifications, and more game options such as martial arts and unit tactics. Break the book open and prepare to raise your game!

Run & Gun, Limited Edition ($74.99)
Guns and ammo cost nuyen. Mastering martial arts takes time. And learning how to use explosives without blowing yourself up takes patience and a steady hand. These weapons and more are out there, waiting for you. You have the chance to use them to become deadlier, faster, more dangerous than the next guy—and more dangerous than you were yesterday. You’ll have to pay the price to get what you want, but this is the Sixth World. Don’t you always?

Run & Gun is a combat core rulebook for Shadowrun, Fifth Edition, containing more weapons, more armor, more modifications, and more game options such as martial arts and unit tactics. Break the book open and prepare to raise your game!

The Limited Edition includes bonded red leather, embossed cover, plus a double-sided poster showing off the weapons from both Run & Gun as well as Shadowrun, Fifth Edition.

The following product has a Street Date of JULY 30TH, 2014:

Shadowrun: Stolen Souls
Stolen Souls ($44.99)

Not all has been right in our shadows of late. Especially in the dark shadows of my mind.

Those were among FastJack’s parting words to JackPoint when he left, the victim of a condition that divided his mind against itself. And the condition is spreading. Across the Sixth World, people’s minds are in schism, as new personalities emerge and battle the old. The world is in chaos, and there is a dramatically increased demand for extractions, to get infected people out of sensitive positions and to steal the insights of people who might know what’s gone wrong.

Stolen Souls is a Deep Shadows sourcebook for Shadowrun with plot updates and adventure hooks, as well as information, techniques, and gear to help make runners extraction aces. It also contains setting information about Manhattan, where key extractions are taking place. Players will get the chance to dig deeper into a new mystery that has torn through the Sixth World—and discover just how deep the conspiracies and cover-ups go.

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Win Advanced Copy of Crossfire at Origins!

Shadowrun 5 Crossfire Logo

The highly anticipated Shadowrun: Crossfire deck-building game is slated for release in late summer and is only weeks away from loading onto a ship to head to our shores. But for those attending the Origins Game Fair, you can win an advanced copy for free!

Thursday and Friday: On both Thursday and Friday, anyone that plays in a Shadowrun: Crossfire demo will receive a ticket for a drawing at 5:30 PM that day at the Catalyst Game Labs booth 601.

Saturday: On Saturday, anyone that has played in that day’s RPG gaming will receive a ticket for a drawing at 7:00 PM in the Shadowrun RPG room.

In both instances above, you must be present to win. If your number is called and you are not present, a new number will be called.

On all three days, there will be one Runner Up and one Grand Prize Winner.

Runner Up: Each Runner Up will receive one free copy of the Shadowrun: Crossfire Demo Box.

Grand Prize Winner: Each Grand Prize Winner will walk away with a complete set of the following:
Shadowrun: Crossfire Base Game
Shadowrun: Crossfire Character Expansion Pack 1
Shadowrun: Crossfire “Oni” Character promo card


See you at Origins for all the excitement!

Look to www.catalystgamelabs.com and www.shadowruntabletop.com in the future for more details surrounding these coming games!

About Catalyst Game Labs
Catalyst Game Labs is dedicated to producing high quality games and fiction that mesh sophisticated game mechanics with dynamic universes-all presented in a form that allows beginning players and long-time veterans to easily jump into our games and fiction readers to enjoy our stories even if they don’t know the games.

Catalyst Game Labs is an imprint of InMediaRes Productions, LLC, which specializes in electronic publishing of professional fiction. This allows Catalyst to participate in a synergy that melds printed gaming material and fiction with all the benefits of electronic interfaces and online communities, creating a whole-package experience for any type of player or reader. Find Catalyst Game Labs online at www.catalystgamelabs.com.

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Bullets & Bandages available now! Medical rules, gear, and more!

We have a new electronic release for you today! Bullets & Bandages (Battleshop, DriveThruRPG), the latest book in our Shadowrun Options line, is now out. Packed with fun info about medtech, high-threat response teams, and optional rules to use in you Shadowrun game, Bullets & Bandages gives you the chance to add more details to healing the bumps, bruises, and bullet wounds runners in the Sixth World often take. And it’s got information that will make it usable to both Shadowrun, Fifth Edition players and those using Shadowrun, Twentieth Anniversary Edition. Here’s the full description:

Sew ’Em Up, Ride ’Em Out

The only reason shadowrunners have scars to show off during their downtime is that when they got hit, someone had the guts, the skill, and the speed to pull them out of whatever drekstorm they’d gotten themselves into. Maybe it was a DocWagon High Threat Response team who rode in to save the day, or maybe a teammate who’d picked up some handy medical skills in the course of their career in the shadows patched them up enough to keep them moving. Either way, having someone who can pull your hoop out of the fire is handy in any situation. Make sure you thank them and buy ’em a drink—assuming, of course, they made it out with you.

Bullets & Bandages is part of the Shadowrun Options line, presenting new rules and background for players and gamemasters who want to add more detail to how medicine works when it’s practiced under fire. With new gear, qualities, actions, spells, adept powers, and more, it will add depth and excitement to your Shadowrun game—and maybe help you keep your chummers alive.

Bullets & Bandages is compatible with both Shadowrun, Fifth Edition and Shadowrun, Twentieth Anniversary Edition.


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Sprawl Gangers (& Miniatures!) Update

Shadowrun 5 Sprawl Gangers Logo

Been a number of months since the last update on Sprawl Gangers. Since it has been a while, gonna be a big update here…so brace yourself…

Why the long delay…production issues. We haven’t been able to produce the miniatures and without that, the game simply has been in a holding pattern.

We are excellent at making books. We are just starting to reach a points where we do card games and boardgames. But miniatures, particularly high quality miniatures, have kicked us in the teeth for years. For those that have following our BattleTech problems (which have finally been fixed!) and especially our Leviathans troubles (which are still unresolved), you know this has dogged us for a while.

Despite this, caught up in the enthusiasm of trying to do a plethora of crazy cool stuff for Shadowrun, we moved forward with Sprawl Gangers thinking we had a solution for miniatures. Not only did that burn out, but we’ve since gone through several other aborted attempts to find the appropriate combination of cost vs. quality.

That being said, we do appear to have finally met a team that may just be the ones we’ve been searching for for years. I was waiting to reach a few milestones with this company before I started talking about this. And since we’ve reached those milestones, well, I can start talking.

First, the team we’re working with is Jeff Gracia and Jed Wahl at Green Brier Games. If you’ve not heard of them before, feel free to check ’em out.

Second, as I’ve previously mentioned, we love being audacious and challenging ourself with aggressive schedules and really cool, big games. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t. After spinning our wheels for far too long on Sprawl Gangers, part of this process has been to scale way back on what we want to do “right now”, and instead take the entire process in steady but bite-sized chunks.

What exactly does that mean? We are hard at work on an “experiment” of just a few miniatures to ensure that neither side is taxed too far and there’s not too much of a commitment to get anyone into trouble should things go sideways (its Shadowrun after all). The miniatures ultimately will be released as a “roleplaying game aid” boxed set (no, no dates or anything yet this early in the process).

However, one part of the experiment is to produce a single Sprawl Ganger miniature and move it through the entire process to a rapid prototype.

We just received rapid prototypes of two miniatures, which I immediately shipped off to Peter Wort, one of our fantastic camospecs.com artists, who’ll clean up the burs on the miniature and base coat it so we can really see what it will look like.

While I don’t have photos of that rapid prototype just yet, I can share the details that moved us from concept sketches into a miniature on my table (and when I get the miniature back, have no fear I’ll share photos right away!).

So first of all, the Sprawl Ganger. Here’s the fantastic concept sketches for a Halloweener that I’ve been sitting on for over a year…


And here’s the 70% render:


And then the near final renders came in:




Almost leapt out of my chair with a shout. So amazing…and funny thing is, I think her hair might be the best part…so much motion captured in that hair. Brings the model to life in a fantastic way.

But remember, this isn’t just about Sprawl Gangers at this stage. It’s about those small bite-sized chunks, so it’s about creating a pack of 5 “RPG Game Aid” miniatures. We’ve been creating a cast of characters that will visually bridge between Shadowrun, Fifth Edition, Shadowrun: Beginner Box Set, Shadowrun Runner’s Toolkit: Alphaware, Shadowrun: Crossfire and even into Shadowrun: Hostile Takeover and Shadowrun: Sprawl Gangers. So it was logical to start with those images as the basis for our first pack of miniatures.

First out of the gate is our Dwarf rigger, Hardpoint. Here’s the reference art from both the Beginner Box Set and Runner’s Toolkit: Alphaware:


Brent then turned that into an appropriate orthographic that Jed could use to start his render process:


Jed took that and turned over an initial render:


Obviously the first attempt to create “smoke” for the drone wasn’t working well, so some good brainstorming resulted in this near final render:




Obviously we are incredibly excited about reaching this place and so far working with Jeff and Jed at Green Brier Games has been fantastic. Can’t wait to see what the final rapid-prototypes look like once they’re cleaned up and show them off (fingers crossed we’ll have them at Origins for those attending…and I’ll share photos as soon as I have them).

“So, those are really awesome looking, and RPG game aid miniatures is a cool idea, but what does this mean for Sprawl Gangers?” It means that we can potentially have an end in sight for production. However, this does not mean we’ll suddenly see Sprawl Gangers by Gen Con. Remember, this is about taking it slow and then appropriately spinning up to the type of production that Sprawl Gangers will require. This will ensure that the game gets the quality miniatures it deserves, while also helping to ensure that once we announce that “this is the date”, we’ll be able to hit it and support it.

Thanks to everyone that have continued to wait patiently for this update. It’s perhaps further out than you’d like, but we are still completely committed to getting this game out and ensuring that not only will it be well worth the wait but that we’ll be able to fully support the game.



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