The dark side of Shadowrun stretches its legs with two new releases

We all know that Shadowrun is not the happiest of game universes, but for those of you who like to add a nice heaping of extra darkness to your games and reading–and who doesn’t?–we have two new releases for you today!

First up is a new e-book called 10 Terrorists (Battleshop, DriveThruRPG), and to get a sense of what’s going on in the book, we’re going to share a little behind-the-scenes exchange with you from when the drafts of art were coming through. Here’s how the author (who also wrote Nothing Personal and the Mr. Johnson chapter of Run Faster) reacted: “HOLY S***! … That’s some extreme art. Awfully violent, but it makes a statement.” And then the e-book developer explained it like this: “This is a dystopian universe and terrorists are generally considered the worst of the worst. To illustrate that in pictures we needed to reach into places the public doesn’t like to look.”

The point is, 10 Terrorists looks at some dark parts of human nature and how this can be used in your Shadowrun games. We understand that not everyone wants to go where this book goes (and for a glimpse of that, take a look at the cover on the linked pages), but for those who do, the book has some ways to throw new twists and dangers at shadowrunners while fleshing out the dangers of the Sixth World. Here’s a summary of the book:

Causes of Blood

There is no way to sugarcoat it—people in the Sixth World spend an awful lot of time coming up with reasons to kill each other. When it comes to moral codes, people don’t think they’re better than others because they don’t kill and others do—they compare the reasons for killing, ranking them, trying to justify the oft-unjustifiable. You can talk to a hundred people and get a hundred different opinions about what’s justified and what’s not, and about which motivations are worse than others, but consistently at the bottom of the list are those who would kill innocents for a cause, who would instill terror in people for political gain, because they see no other recourse.

10 Terrorists covers ten groups in the Shadowrun setting who add chaos and violence to an already chaotic and violent world to further their own twisted causes. From Seed, a Matrix terrorism group that split off Ex Pacis, to Logos, a group that combines environmental extremism with talislegging, these are groups that can add and danger and plot hooks to Shadowrun campaigns. Whether runners are infiltrating the groups, avoiding them, or dealing with the fallout from the chaos they cause, 10 Terrorists can increase the threat level of any Shadowrun game.

10 Terrorists is for use with Shadowrun, Fifth Edition.

Want something slightly lighter? How about a vampire shadowrunner in the ruined sprawl of Chicago trying to catch up with a world that has only grown more dangerous and stranger while he has been out of action? Okay, that may not sound exactly “light,” but that’s what’s happening in the new Shadowrun novel Crimson (Battleshop, DriveThru–note that both of those have epub and Kindle copies in a zip file–Barnes & Noble, Amazon), and even if it’s not exactly sunshine and puppies, it’s plenty of fun. Here’s the summary, as well as the terminally cool cover:

Where No One Knows Your Name …

Thanksgiving, 2075. Shadowrunning vampire-mage Rick “Red” Lang used to make his living hunting dangerous insect spirits and twisted mages, but when he awakens after twelve years of involuntary hibernation, he finds the rest of the world has gotten even stranger.

Red begins piecing together what had happened during his lost time—and who put him under in the first place. But as he journeys through the neon-drenched ruins of Chicago and its augmented facades, Red uncovers an even larger plot involving eldritch forces seeking to invade from beyond our reality. He teams up with the few allies he can trust—Pretty, a beautiful ghoul, and Slim, a hacker extraordinaire—as they head into the middle of multiple schemes and power plays surrounding a dangerous new conflict threatening to shatter the uneasy peace into all-consuming chaos.


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New adventure continues Shadowrun’s exploration of the Sioux Nation

The Shadows in Focus: Sioux Nation series continues forward! With previous books focusing on the Sioux Nation as a whole and the city of Cheyenne, we now have a new adventure that will plunge runners into a tumultuous family and political feud that could have repercussions for millions of Sioux Nation residents–and plenty of people beyond those borders. The adventure is called Starving the Masses (Battlecorps, DriveThruRPG)–here’s the full summary:

A Half-Step from Chaos

If there’s anything shadowrunners have learned over and over again, it’s that the veneer of civilization coating much of the world is extremely thin (in the Barrens, of course, it’s non-existent). There are so many tensions in the Sixth World that altering the delicate balances just a hair or two can bring chaos and conflict to areas that had previously managed to scrape together a peaceful appearance.

If you want to cause that chaos, all that’s needed is a little gentle pressure on one of the essential arteries that keeps civilization alive. And no artery is as susceptible to this pressure as the food supply.

Stripped of a lucrative position and exiled from his family, Theo Two-Hearts has a score to settle, and he’s going to take it out on the entire Sioux Nation. Like many vengeance-minded people before him, he’s turned to shadowrunners to do his dirty work. If they sign on to his plan, they’re going to confront some of the toughest forces the Sioux Nation can throw at them. The first bit of chaos they create will rain down on them—if they survive, much more will follow.

Starving the Masses is an adventure that is part of the Shadows in Focus: Sioux Nation series for Shadowrun, Fifth Edition. It can be played alone, or the Sioux Nation and Cheyenne books can be used to add more richness and details to a challenging run!


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New free Shadowrun adventure released! Line developer assumed drunk

[Note that this blog post is being dictated, as Mr. Hardy felt typing posed too great a challenge.]

I don’t … I just can’t … there’s ponies. Ponies and Amish. And they’re all thrown together and statted out. Statted! Stats for ponies!

The world used to make sense to me. Mr. Johnson … he wore a suit.  And he screwed you over good, and you took it! And yeah, there was gunfire and grenades and spells raining down all over, but it all worked! But now, now you kids with your Tumbles and your Instant Grahams and your, and your …


… couldn’t hold a candle to even one of Betty Grable’s legs! What was I talking about?

This adventure. Yeah. Did you see the cover? I didn’t know hallucinogens that strong even existed. Holy freakin’ cow dung on skateboard. You should see it. Gaze upon the madness. Gaze!

FiT cover

And here’s where it gets horrible, where my reality and my nightmares twist into some terrible pretzel of madness. I have that horse! On the cover. She’s in my house!


It’s just … I can’t … I can’t think about this. So take it. Take your adventure with the ponies and Amish and war buggies, and you go play it. It’s a Mission, they tell me! It’s real, they tell me! Do what you want with it. I gotta lie down.

SMH2015-01 Friendship Is Tragic

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Shadowrun release-a-palooza! All sorts of Shadowrun goodness now available!

I had a convention to attend and other business keeping me busy this week, which meant I didn’t keep up with the full pace of Shadowrun releases this week. But with all the stuff coming out, how could I? Let’s run it down.

First, for you Shadowrun fiction fans, we have a new novella by acclaimed author Jennifer Brozek. Among her many credits include writing some of the much-praised dialogue for Shadowrun Returns as well stories in Shadowrun, Fifth Edition and Seattle 2072, so she is an experienced Shadowrun hand. Her new work is called DocWagon 19 (Battleshop, DriveThruRPG, Amazon), and here’s the rundown:

The Life of a Lifesaver

DocWagon—saviors of the needy, rescuers of the desperate. Willing to go anywhere, rescue anyone, as long as that “anyone” has forked out enough advance cash to justify the effort.

Reporter Amelia Hart has embedded herself with a DocWagon team to see what their life is really like, and she’s in for a wild ride. From an OD’ing celebrity to an aggressive team of hackers, from pesky gangs to an extremely rich and powerful client teetering at death’s door, this night will give the team all they can handle. But will they survive long enough to remember that in the Sixth World, nothing is truly random?

Full of memorable characters and rich Sixth World flavor, DocWagon 19 is a thrilling ride with the people struggling to save lives in a sprawl with a million ways to make people dead. Strap in, hold on, crank up the siren, and get ready for a crazy ride-along through the full chaos of the Shadowrun setting.


We also have a new Mission for you! The latest in the Chicago-set Missions, SRM 05-05: While the City Sleeps is now on sale and ready to take all comers (Battleshop, DriveThruRPG)! Here’s the story:

All the Rage

One of the things the Sixth World excels at is inventing millions of ways to piss people off. Chicago, particularly the Containment Zone, has a special gift for inciting tempers, with its pockmarked roads, feral gangs, bad-tempered thugs, drugged-out vagrants, and many other elements that are irritating at best, fatal at worst.

Fight promoter Sid Gambetti has a lot of pressures piling on him at once, including financial strain and a massive blackmail demand, and if he doesn’t get some relief, he’s likely to blow. Unfortunately, it seems like just about everyone who has become involved with Sid is just as pressured and just as irritated. Any shadowrunners who take on the job that Sid has for them are going to be walking through a minefield of hot-tempered, bulked-out, Sixth World crazies who are just looking for an excuse to put the hurt on someone. Yeah, there’s a pile of nuyen on the other side of the gauntlet, but it will take some quick thinking and fast moving to claim it without being on the receiving end of huge doses of pain.

The latest Shadowrun Mission set in Chicago, While the City Sleeps can be played as part of an ongoing Chicago-based campaign or all by itself, as an exciting night in one of the wildest cities of Shadowrun’s Sixth World setting.

SRM 05-05: While the City Sleeps is for use with Shadowrun, Fifth Edition.


But wait, there’s more! For fans of classic Shadowrun books, we have some volumes that have been newly released to electronic sale! For anyone wanting more paydata on the Native American Nations, the profiles of those nations–both volume 1 (Battleshop, DriveThruRPG) and volume 2 (Battleshop, DriveThruRPG)–are now available! Get all the dirt on the people, places, and possible threats these territories have, with plot hooks, fascinating characters, political intrigue, and more!


And then we also have the electronic release of Corporate Shadowfiles (Battleshop, DriveThruRPG)! Go back for the earliest look at the most powerful megacorporations in the world–the people who make them go, the grudges they carry, and the work they need done!


That’s everything! Now go play!


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