Fade To Black Legends Epub Available

This week’s Shadowrun Legends installment is Fade To Black (BattleShop, DriveThruRPG).


In 2055, Newark is an over-crowded urban nightmare populated by hordes of SINless indigents. Millions live in abject poverty. Violence is rampant. Brutal gangs and vicious criminals control many sections of the city like feudal lords. Amid this harrowing landscape, Rico gathers his team: Shank, Thorvin, Piper, and the eccentric shaman known as Bandit. The job is to free a man from a corporate contract that is the moral equalvent of slavery, but that is only the beginning. The runners’ diverse skills and talents are swiftly put to the test. Rico’s challenge is to keep the team alive as they sort through a maze of corporate intrigue and misdirection, but without discarding honor, for without honor a man is nothing. Honor alone distinguishes a man from the ravaging dogs that fill the streets, and as the runners soon learn, the price of honor is high.

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Worlds Without End Legends Epub & New Mission PDF Available

This week’s Shadowrun Legends installment is Worlds Without End (BattleShop, DriveThruRPG).


    Spawned in the realm between the worlds, a Horror comes. Defeated in battle centuries before by the elven mage Aina, it walks again, seeking vengeance on the mortal lands. If Aina fails to convince the courts of Tir na nOg and Tir Tairngire of the danger, she will have to face the Horror alone once more–or watch the world end.

And a new Mission, Tick Tock (BattleShop, DriveThruRPG), for Season 6!

Shadowrun Missions, Season 6, Adventure 4

Shadowrun Missions, Season 6, Adventure 4

    You build walls for two reasons: to keep things out, and to keep things in. Walls were erected around the Chicago Containment Zone many years ago, keeping people from the outside away from the dangers within, and locking secrets inside that are still waiting to be discovered. Though the longer they stay hidden, the clearer it is that some secrets don’t want to be found.

    In the latest Shadowrun Mission, runners have a chance to solve one of the longest-standing mysteries of the Containment Zone, namely: What happened to Melissa Truman, the missing heir of a media empire? Digging up the right information will be hard enough, but if the runners are lucky and skilled enough to uncover the truth, they’ll have a harder question in front of them. What do they do with what they’ve found?

    Full of danger, intrigue, and insidious obstacles, Tick Tock is a great continuation of the ongoing Chicago-based plotline for regular Missions players, or a fast-paced adventure for players jumping into the story for the first time.

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Howling Shadows out now!

The wonderful thing about critters is the Sixth World is that no matter who you are, no matter where you are, there is a critter prepared to mess up your day. Street sammies in heavily urbanized areas, deckers riding the lightning of the Matrix, mages tripping the light fantastic of the astral plane–all of them might run into something wild and fierce that is perfectly capable of screwing up their day.

You’ll find information on the full spectrum of these critters–savage Infected, venomous paranormals, mysterious spirits, Matrix-hacking beasts, and more–in the new book Howling Shadows, now available for PDF purchase and print pre-order (Battleshop, DriveThruRPG). Maybe you’ve seen some of the new art we’ve shared, but now you can look at the whole thing. Need a little more info? Read on!

The Wild Calls

Gangers. Corp security. Mr. Johnson. Organized crime. Other shadowrunners. Running in the Sixth World does not exactly lack for obstacles, but only foolish runners worry solely about metahuman opponents. There are plenty of other ways the world can kill you, from throat-ripping martachoras to blood-sucking chupacabras, from the aggressive gamma spider to the swarming harpy. While most runners would be happy to simply avoid these threats, it’s not always possible. Critters may be used as security, they may swarm in abandoned areas runners must investigate, or they may carry valuable reagents runners need. Some of them may even hold the keys to unlocking the sort of powers runners covet.

Howling Shadows is the critter sourcebook for Shadowrun, Fifth Edition. With a broad range of critters for every habitat, the book has plot hooks that show how critters may be used in campaigns, details on new critter powers, and other information to flesh out Shadowrun adventures and campaigns. Sink your teeth into this one and see how untamed the Sixth World can be.

Howling Shadows is for use with Shadowrun, Fifth Edition.


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Striper Assassin Legends Epub Available

This week’s Shadowrun Legends installment is Striper Assassin (BattleShop, DriveThruRPG).


    For the world of humans knows her as Striper, the deadly Asian assassin and kick-artist. She has come to the City of Brotherly Love seeking revenge and made it her killing ground. But she is not the only predator stalking the dark underbelly of the Philadelphia metroplex. There are other hunters prowling the night, and some possess a power even greater than hers.

    Some may even want her dead.

    When the moon rises full and brilliant into the dark pall of the night, the bestial side of her nature battles for dominion, demanding vengeance and death.

    Who will survive?

    Who dares to hunt the hunter?

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