Author Archives: randall

Create A Shadowrun: Crossfire Mission Contest


Shadowrun: Crossfire is in the wilds, being played and enjoyed by thousands of gamers. Not only has it had great critical acclaim, but it’s rapidly selling out of its first print run; we’re already lining up a second printing, and the first Mission Pack!

With all of that excitement in mind—alongside the wonderful campaign nature of the game in earned karma and stickers—we’re announcing a Create a Shadowrun: Crossfire Mission Contest.

If you love the Shadowrun world and Shadowrun: Crossfire and have a story you’d like to tell, here’s your chance to get in on this action! Design your own mission to have a chance to win!

CAT27700_Mission Card (Into the Ork Underground).indd
How do I design a Mission? Well, first of all, play and/or review the three Missions that come with the Crossfire game. Then check out the free Missions we’ve released as PDFs (at the bottom of that page): Ambulators, Close The Portal, and the just releasing now alongside this announcement Into The Ork Underground. All six demonstrate the wide range of experiences you can build for a Shadowrun: Crossfire Mission. And, of course, follow the rules outlined below.

Contest Details:

1. All submissions must use the Shadowrun: Crossfire Mission Template (download the template). All submissions become the exclusive property of Catalyst Game Labs.

2. Anyone can submit a Mission and you may submit any number of unique Missions. At, under the Shadowrun Play section of the forums, in the Shadowrun: Crossfire section, a new thread called Crossfire Mission Contest Submissions has been added for this contest.

3. There are three categories:

i. Fan Favorite
This will be voted on not by Catalyst, but by the community (see 7., below).

Voters should look at the mechanics, challenge, and storytelling of a Mission and select which one provides the most enjoyable overall experience.

ii. Wildest Ride
This will be voted on not by Catalyst, but by the community (see 7., below).

This category is all about the unexpected. The Mission still needs to be fun and challenging, of course, but it’s the sideways twists in the middle of the Mission taking people by surprise that’ll win this slot.

iii. Inclusion In Official Organized Play
That’s right, we’ll soon be announcing all the details of the Shadowrun: Crossfire Organized Play that we’ll be rolling out in 2015. And one or more of you could have your Mission published and mailed to participating stores as part of the Shadowrun: Crossfire Organized Play program!

The decision for these winners will be made by Catalyst Game Labs, as well as the game designer luminaries that created Crossfire: Mike Elliot, Gregory Marques, Rob Heinsoo and more!

If there are submitted Missions we choose to include in our Organized Play, the author(s) will be contacted by Catalyst Game Labs directly. The author(s) will be required to sign a standard Catalyst Game Labs author contract and will be paid for their work at our standard rate and payment terms; the author(s) will also receive a free copy of their Mission. The contract must be signed before we can include the work in the Organized Play standard development/editorial process, just as with any other written work published by Catalyst Game Labs.

While we’ll work directly with the winner(s) to ensure their vision remains as much as possible within the Mission, it also must meet our normal criteria and pass through our normal processes.

5. While we’d encourage submissions be posted directly to the forum thread noted above, we understand that may not be possible for some. Submissions will also be accepted at, subject line: Create A Shadowrun: Crossfire Mission Contest.

6. This contest will run until November 30th. The community has until that time to post their submissions, at which time the thread will be locked.

7. While Catalyst Game Labs reserves the final say on those Missions accepted into the Organized Play, the community will choose the Fan Favorite and Wildest Ride categories, as noted above.

From November 30 to December 30th, the community can playtest all posted Missions and then post their choices for the Fan Favorite and Wildest Ride categories.

All questions surrounding this contest should be sent to

Those are the details…can’t wait to see what curve balls you runners throw!

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Order The Shadowrun Beginner Box & Runner’s Toolkit: Alphaware Now!

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The Shadowrun Beginner Box Set is the first-ever introductory box set for one of the most enduring and popular role-playing settings in history. The box provide hours of excitement and adventure on the mean streets of the Sixth World, giving players to chance to inhabit enthralling characters and show the world what they’ve got.

With pre-generated characters, a simplified ruleset, a ready-to-run adventure, a solo adventure for one character, adventure hooks, and non-player characters to throw into any situation, the Beginner Box Set has everything players need to dive into the fantasy-infused cyberpunk of Shadowrun. Including, of course, a handful of six-sided dice. Players can take on the role of a powerful street samurai, a spell-slinging shaman, a charismatic troll, and more as they struggle against the mighty powers of the world and look for ways to survive—or even thrive.

With details on the backstory and history that made the setting a legend, the Shadowrun Beginner Box Set is a complete tool for players looking to launch on new and extraordinary adventures. The nuyen and the glory are yours for the grabbing. Go get ’em!

Shadowrun Beginner Box Set (Buy From BattleShop)

Don’t forget, if you purchase the Shadowrun Digitals Tool Box, there’s a PDF contained in the files with a code for $5 off the print order!

If you already purchased the Shadowrun Digital Tools Box, we just uploaded corrected files (if you’ve not already received your email update, you will be shortly), so don’t forget to grab your code!



  • Have you tackled the Beginner Box Set and are ready to move up in the Sixth World?
  • Are you a game master easy to give Shadowrun a shot, and you want a few extra tools at your disposal from the first toss of your dice?
  • Do you play Shadowrun now, and are you looking for a set of tools that’ll allow you to easily introduce new gamers to your favorite RPG at your local game store or hangout?

Say yes to any of this? Then Runner’s Toolkit: Alphaware is the box set for you.

Designed as the perfect stepping-stone between the Shadowrun Beginner Box Set and Shadowrun, Fifth Edition, this box can fill a number of roles. Whether you’re looking for more adventures and options to move beyond the Beginner Box Set, laying the groundwork for your gaming group to move fully onto Shadowrun, Fifth Edition, or providing adventures, maps, and other tools to use in conjunction with the core rulebook, you’ll find this kit invaluable.

Runner’s Toolkit: Alphaware contains:

  • Fully detailed character booklets with statistics, background information, preferred tactics, and a solo adventure for each character;
  • Rules of the Street, a rulebook with spells, guns, combat options, and everything that makes Shadowrun great;
  • Plots and Paydata, a book with a collection of fully detailed adventures, a trove of non-player characters, and hooks for future adventures;
  • Eight double-sided maps to help players and gamemasters track the action;
  • A handful of six-sided dice;
  • And more tools to make playing and running the game easier!

Runner’s Toolkit: Alphaware (Buy From BattleShop)

Don’t forget, if you purchase the Shadowrun Digital Tools Box, there’s a PDF contained in the files with a code for $10 off the print order!

Or, if you order both the Beginner Box Set and Runner’s Toolkit: Alphaware, there’s a code in the Shadowrun Digital Tools Box for $20 off the print order!

Once again, if you already purchased the Shadowrun Digital Tools Box, we just uploaded corrected files (if you’ve not already received your email update, you will be shortly), so don’t forget to grab your codes!

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Hostile Takeover: Designer Blog Part 4


Greetings and salutations! I’m back, grabbing some notes and sharing some information about the upcoming Shadowrun: Hostile Takeover. Last time we took a peek at the Missions and Schemes that the players and their megacorporations will be using to create their stranglehold on Seattle… and it’s a big update for you! Today we are going to talk a bit more about whom the players will be portraying in the game. In this designer’s blog segment we are going to peel back the covers off a couple of the Megacorporation player cards.

Each player chooses or is randomly assigned a Megacorp Card, and it becomes their persona in that game of Hostile Takeover. These cards explain a number of different important “baseline” statistics. For instance where the player starts the game with some territory on the board, what kind of team or cards they begin with, and how well defended against Schemes the player will be before hiring any Wage Slaves to help out. The card also shows the maximum number of team members they can support, any modifiers they might have to Missions or Schemes, and any other special game effects they will have to make playing them unique and interesting.

Also included on each card is possibly the most important facet of Megacorp information – the Sudden Victory Condition. Every Megacorp has a difficult set of unique conditions under which they, at the end of a game turn, automatically win the game. Note – END of the game turn. This is one big strategy playtesters have been using to sneak wins out in otherwise hectic games, and a player getting close to achieving theirs can turn every other player at the table against them! It is a Shadowrun game, after all!

Let’s take a closer look at two of my personal favorite Megacorps used in the game, Ares Macrotechnology and Telestrian Industries Corporation.

“Big ideas, big business.”

Base Defenses: Combat 5 / Hacking 5 / Charisma 3
Starting Locations: Knight Offices and The Armory
Begins Game With: 2 Shadowrunners, 1 Mission; Notoriety 3

    Mission Modifiers: +1 Combat to active Riggers
    Scheme Modifiers: Re-roll one die during a Combat Defense
    Maximum Shadowrunners: 5
    Maximum Wage Slaves: 4

    Special: Ares Macrotechnology has access to major military gear and vehicular assets. Figureheads for this Megacorp may always add or subtract 1 to the number of segments they move during the Maneuver Phase (minimum of 1) at the cost of 1 Influence per Figurehead.

    Sudden Victory: Martial Law – Ares Macrotechnology wins the game automatically if it can end a game turn with Influence 15 or more, four or more Shadowrunners with a total Combat Ability of at least +12, four or more Wage Slaves with a Combat Defense of 6 or more, and in control of the Capitol Metroplex location.

So just by looking at the playtest card here, you can tell that Ares is all about Combat and downtown board dominance. Their special ability to pay Influence for movement adjustment is very big during game play, and their opening setup of 2 random Shadowrunners and a Mission can allow them a jump start on gaining turf straightaway. Their Sudden Victory condition is quite achievable, but knowing that several others will be watching the Metroplex very closely can easily make enemies out of your neighbors!

“Luck of the Elvish.”

Base Defenses: Combat 4 / Hacking 2 / Charisma 6
Starting Locations: Boeing Field and Redmond Barrens
Begins Game With: 1 Elf Shadowrunner, 1 Mission, 1 Scheme; Notoriety 2

    Mission Modifiers: +1 to any dice roll made by a team containing an Elf Shadowrunner
    Scheme Modifiers: +1 Notoriety whenever gaining Notoriety
    Maximum Shadowrunners: 5
    Maximum Wage Slaves: 4

    Special: Telestrian Industries Corporation still has deep connections to the elven bloodlines. Any Shadowrunner or Wage Slave with “Elf” in their description is treated as having an Influence Cost of 1 less (minimum of 1).

    Sudden Victory: The New Shidhe – TIC wins the game automatically if it can end a game turn with Influence 15 or more, a Notoriety 15 or higher, three or more Elf Shadowrunners and/or Elf Wage Slaves, and in control of the Capitol Metroplex location.

The TIC has a completely different feel, upholding the idea of a primarily Elven megacorp. What is also readily apparent is how the company will be enjoying dealing with the darker side of business, rising in Notoriety very quickly (which will make keeping some Wage Slaves around difficult!). Their Sudden Victory revolves around searching out the decks for good Elves to maintain the team as well as—like Ares—grabbing the reins of the Metroplex.

Each Megacorp is different and game play for them will be unique, especially taking into consideration the actions and negotiations between the players. Sometimes you need to keep a smile on your face while you are stabbing your friends in the back! Next time, I think we should get a good look at the turn sequence and my favorite segment within it, the random chaos that is the Sprawl Event Phase! Until then…

Good gaming to you all,

Bryan C.P. Steele

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Another Week…and MORE Crossfire Action!

Another week already gone! And wait, what, this isn’t Tuesday! I know, I know, but I’m on a plane in mere hours and Tuesday will be filled with first day build at Gen Con, so getting this out of the way now.

We’ve had a slew of Shadowrun: Crossfire goodness over the last few weeks: the running of Crossfire Virtual Run that unlocked the Demo Kit rules & cards to an additional Mission, Ambulators, for running with that Demo Kit, from the release of the entire rulebook in PDF to the announced Street Date for Shadowrun: Crossfire (and allowing for online pre-ordering).

This week? Time for another Mission to use alongside your Demo Kit. Below are the front and back of the Mission; you can also scroll to the bottom of the Downloads page and click on the last link (SHADOWRUN: CROSSFIRE DEMO KIT MISSION: Closing The Portal) to download the free PDF. (If you’ve not yet taken a look at the Shadowrun: Crossfire Demo Kit rules and print & play cards, you can find them at the bottom of that page as well.)

You’ll notice that the Mission makes reference to the “Harlequin’s Shadow” Crossfire card. That’s in reference to the unique card that you can get at Gen Con; as noted in our Catalyst At Gen Con 2014 announcement, underneath “Shadowrun: Crossfire”, the first 50 people that purchase Crossfire at Gen Con each day will walk away with this cool promo card!

Enjoy the shadows!

CAT27700_Close the Portal Mission Card_Front

CAT27700_Close the Portal Mission Card_Back

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