Author Archives: randall

San Francisco, a New Mission, and Other PDFs!

First up, we’ve got some new PDFs for Shadowrun, Fifth Edition action.

Shadowrun: Shadows in Focus: City by Shadow: San Francisco Metro

    Money? Check. Political turmoil leading to scrambling for power? You bet. Megacorps jockeying for position while working to take their rivals down a notch? Of course! A festering hive of corruption set next to one of the most scenic bays ever colonized by humans? Absolutely! San Francisco has all of the ingredients needed to make a nice, festering stew for shadowrunners. With the former imperialistic fascist General Saito out of power and the entire bay area united as a single sprawl, there is power and money to be had, which means business in the shadows is booming. San Francisco is a shadowrunner’s guide to the people, places, and plots that make up this city, providing the paydata they need to navigate the hilly streets and cruel back roads of a sprawl whose aura of sophistication can’t mask its deadly heart.

    With information on getting into and around the city, notable locations across the sprawl, and plot hooks to keep runners busy, San Francisco is an indispensable aid to Shadowrun players looking to bring their skills to the city by the bay.

    San Francisco is part of the City by Shadow series of e-books focusing on cities across the Sixth World.

    Available for PDF purchase at BattleShop or DriveThru.

Shadowrun Missions, Season 6, Adventure 2

Shadowrun Missions, Season 6, Adventure 2

    The Chicago sprawl is host to all manner of strange creatures—ghouls, toxic spirits, hellhounds, barghests, and chickens. Yes, chickens. The city is mostly urbanized, but there are also large swathes of vacant land, and some enterprising souls have been farming that land. This is the Sixth World, though, which means that whenever you have someone trying something bold, you have a dozen other people thinking, “How can I use that to hurt other people?”

    The runners are going to have some unusual jobs on this mission, including spreading some poisons and making sure innocent lives are spared (if they’re so inclined). They’ll have to be on their toes to steer clear of the authorities, get all the pieces of this particular scheme in place, and in particular answer the pressing question: Just what is Mr. Johnson up to?

    Amber Waves of Grain continues the latest Shadowrun Missions plotline set in Chicago. Whether you played other Chicago Missions, including the first one in this plotline (Ten Fifty-Seven) or are just launching into the series, this Mission provides plenty of action packed into a single adventure.

    Available for PDF purchase at BattleShop or DriveThru.

Next up, due to fan demand–and the brilliant success of the Shadowrun Fourth Edition Bundle of Holding–we’re making these two print books available in PDF format for the first time!

A Shadowrun, Twentieth Anniversary Edition sourcebook

A Shadowrun, Twentieth Anniversary Edition sourcebook

    You’ve got the talent. You hopefully have lived long enough to collect a decent amount of nuyen. So show it off! Get a better gun. A bigger boat. A zeppelin that can sneak you across borders where no one thinks to look. All these toys are here, and many, many more. Runner’s Black Book is a shopping catalog for the ambitious and successful runner—and it’s a guide to the weapons, drones, and vehicles that the various forces of the Sixth World may send against you as you sneak through the shadows.

    Runner’s Black Book collects material from Shadowrun’s successful PDF line of products, compiling Deadly Waves, Gun Heaven, MilSpecTech, This Old Drone, and Unfriendly Skies in their entirety, along with updated art and information. On top of that, the book includes new pieces of gear developed specifically for this volume, including the punishing Kriss X Submachine Gun and small, smooth TPP light pistol. Each piece of gear is accompanied by a full color illustration providing a look at the item’s complete details and features.

    Runner’s Black Book is for use with Shadowrun, Twentieth Anniversary Edition.

    Available for PDF purchase at BattleShop or DriveThru.

Shadowrun: Runner's Black Book 2074

    Asking a shadowrunner if they really need another gun is like asking someone if they need all that oxygen floating around them. Are you ever going to use all that air? Maybe not. But you’re sure as hell not going to be one of those suckers who’s going to be caught short. RUNNER’S BLACK BOOK 2074 is about options, giving runners more choices of guns, weapons, vehicles, and other gear so that they can build a load out that suits them. Whether they want bleeding-edge gear built for those fighting the world’s latest wars or classic vehicles that have stood the test of time—or old crap they can get for cheap—RUNNER’S

    RUNNER’S BLACK BOOK 2074 has what they need. Collecting gear from digital products Gun H(e)aven 2, Used Car Lot, MilSpec Tech 2, and Euro War Antiques along with exclusive material for this book, RUNNER’S BLACK BOOK 2074 contains full-color illustrations, detailed descriptions, and complete game statistics for each item. It’s an essential resource for runners looking to do some shopping—or to learn more about the guns that might be pointed at them in the near future.

    RUNNER’S BLACK BOOK 2074 requires Shadowrun, Twentieth Anniversary Edition.

    Available for PDF purchase at BattleShop or DriveThru.

Additionally, both Runner’s Black Books can be purchase as a discounted combo and either BattleShop or DriveThruRPG.

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New Shadowrun campaigns out for PDF purchase, print pre-order!

We’ve just released two new campaigns for a variety of fantastic action within the Sixth World.

First up is Shadowrun: Lockdown, now available for print-pre-order and PDF purchase (Battleshop, DriveThruRPG). This crossover plot book covers a slew of details of what’s going down in Boston and ties into the action of Shadowrun: Chronicles.

    Voices of Disaster

    The voices are getting louder. Strange voices, dissonant voices, sometimes babbling nonsense, sometimes telling stories too unbelievable to be true. People are falling prey to the voices, losing their identities as someone or something else slips into their skin. It’s affecting people at all levels of society, from squatters in burned-out warehouses to corporate CEOs. It’s spreading, and no one can figure out how to stop it. Boston-based NeoNET is at the center of this storm, and panic is spreading through the streets of the northeastern sprawl. People are scared and people are dying, which means that there are large sums of money to be made by any shadowrunner willing to brave those chaotic streets. Finding work won’t be the problem. Getting out of the sprawl, however, will be.

    Lockdown is a plot sourcebook for Shadowrun, Fifth Edition with plot hooks, setting details of Boston, character details, and surprising reveals that will keep characters on their toes and running for their lives. With rich plot information and game mechanics for a new breed of cognitive fragmentation disorder sufferers, Lockdown can play a vital role in enthralling Shadowrun campaigns while continuing the unfolding story of the Sixth World.


Next up is Bloody Business–also available for print-pre-order and PDF purchase (Battleshop, DriveThruRPG)–a campaign book in the style of Jet Set and Artifacts Unbound.

    Wounded Fury

    A scared megacorporation does not run and hide in the shadows. Instead it lashes out, swiping with sharp claws, not caring who is hit by the blows. Many of the megacorps are currently reeling, hit by multiple harsh wallops. NeoNET and Evo are dealing with the fallout of the CFD virus, Ares has powerful forces eating it away from inside, Horizon backed the losing side of the Aztlan-Amazonia war, and the Japanacorps are rearing back to take on the world—and each other. When the corps get aggressive, shadowrunners get called, and blood gets shed.

    Bloody Business is a campaign book giving players the chance to earn piles of money from the megacorps as they reel through troubles and crises. It’ll take a lot of good shadowrunning moves to earn that cash—and even better moves to survive long enough to collect it. With short adventure outlines that can be played independently or linked into a longer campaign, and NPC stats to suit a wide variety of situations, Bloody Business plunges Shadowrun teams in the middle of corporate chaos.

Shadowrun: Bloody Business

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Catalyst February Shadowrun Street Dates

The following products have a Street Date of FEBRUARY 18, 2015:

CAT27004_Shadowrun-Run Faster_Cover
Shadowrun Run Faster, Standard Edition ($49.99)
Every step, every advantage, every millisecond counts. The streets of the Sixth World are mean, and if they want to stay alive, shadowrunners need every advantage they can get to gain a step on the opposition. Fortunately, Run Faster is full of them. With it, you can learn about more metatypes for characters, including hobgoblins, giants, centaurs, and sasquatch; acquire new qualities, such as Disgraced, Hawk Eye, and Lightning Reflexes; and, if you dare, dabble with the dangerous and deadly Infected.

Run Faster also has advice on fleshing out characters of different metatypes, expanded contact and lifestyle rules, and alternate character creation methods to help ensure that players can build exactly the character they want.

All these options make Run Faster a crucial companion to players who want to get the most out of their Shadowrun, Fifth Edition core rulebook.

Shadowrun Run Faster, Limited Edition ($74.99)
Run Faster Limited Edition book includes a bonded red leather cover with gold foil stamp and a de-bossed graphic.

Shadowrun: London Falling
London Falling ($19.99)
London—where the thick fog (sounds nicer than smog, doesn’t it) makes for some truly deep shadows. Every crooked street, every cramped building holds a secret or two, as well as a person or two who will go to great lengths to ensure those secrets are kept. There is, for instance, the dark secret of a minor noble who has not been seen in Parliament in months. And the researcher who has a startlingly large amount of people interested in his work. The courier who carries one secret in his head and another in his gut. And an explosive secret that has been festering in the West End Underplex for years or even decades.

Skilled runners have the chance to uncover these secrets and more, but they’d better be ready for the forces of the world that would prefer to keep things covered up. They are tenacious, dangerous, and, perhaps most surprising for England, not at all polite.

London Falling features four adventures for Shadowrun set in London. Initially designed especially for gaming conventions, these adventures are now available to all players who want to dive in and see if they can survive the challenges of the Big Smoke. London Falling has stats that allow it to be compatible for both Shadowrun, Fifth Edition and Shadowrun, Twentieth Anniversary Edition.

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Holiday Shipping

Our shippers are closed for holidays December 18, 2014 until January 2nd, 2015. Your orders will continue to process but will not ship until their return.

Thanks for your orders and enjoy games through the holidays!


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