Shadowrun holiday magic continues! New novel, new Mission now available!

All right, we may be a little past the time of mass gift giving, but there is never a wrong time to play Shadowrun and to dig into the immersive Sixth World setting. With that in mind, we have a new novel called Hell on Water available; you can get electronic copies at the Battleshop or DriveThruRPG, while print copies can be found wherever fine gaming books are sold, including Barnes & Noble (they have a listing for it on their site here, though it currently sports the plot summary for the subsequent novel, Dark Resonance. We hope to have that fixed soon).

The author of Hell on Water (me, Jason Hardy, the guy writing this post) has described it as “the craziest novel I’ve ever written.” Here’s what it’s about:


Six shadowrunners. Three mysterious packages. And twelve kilometers of a dangerous, dilapidated bridge across one of the wildest sprawls of the Sixth World.

It should be a simple job. Retrieve three sealed packages, then take them across the city of Lagos to their destination. All the runners’ skills will be tested—they’ll face ambushes, double-crosses, and more, and along the way they might be able to answer the question of just what’s in those packages, and why they’re so important.

The team has a lot on their side, including a street samurai who’s a legend on the streets, a hotshot rigger with a lot of enemies, a young shaman seeking justice, a decker with a dark secret, and a pair of pros from Seattle trying to keep up with everything the unfamiliar sprawl throws at them. But the deadly streets and sinister neighborhoods of Lagos contain their own unique dangers, and it’ll take every trick the runners know to complete their mission and escape the city in one piece…


Along with the novel, we have a new Mission called Liberation (Battleshop, DriveThruRPG) that features a seemingly simple run that gets complicated. In Chicago, so the complications go beyond a double-crossing Mr. Johnson and straight into the realm of the twisted and bizarre. Here are the details:


Every shadowrunner knows the fear that comes with the words “milk run.” Anytime something is supposed be easy in the Sixth World, it’s guaranteed to come with unexpected headaches and danger, and that holds especially true for Chicago. Lothan the Wise, an egotistical troll mage who is extra irritating because he has the skills to back up his braggadocio, says he has a simple job. There’s no question that things will get more complicated than he expects—the only question is how things will go wrong, and which of the dangerous denizens of the feral sprawl will leap up to cause trouble. Runners will have to be fast, flexible, and able to think on their feet—but isn’t that part of the basic job description anyway?

Liberation is the latest adventure in Shadowrun Missions’ fifth season, and it has everything needed to throw players into the wilds of the Chicago sprawl and see if they can come out on top. Whether players are at a convention, in a game store, or playing a home game, Liberation has the plot, the details, and the game mechanics needed for an exciting run.

SRM 05-04 Liberation is for use with Shadowrun, Fifth Edition.

SRM 0504 Cover Sm

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