All Catalyst Game Labs websites will be down for maintenance starting at 11PM EST, on July 13th, for two hours.
We appreciate your patience while we get some back-end work done!
Catalyst Team
All Catalyst Game Labs websites will be down for maintenance starting at 11PM EST, on July 13th, for two hours.
We appreciate your patience while we get some back-end work done!
Catalyst Team
One year ago a new era of running in the shadows was unleashed as Shadowrun, Fifth Edition PDF and print preorders went live. We wanted the release to be great, but it went beyond our expectations and straight to awesome. The strength of the vibrant Shadowrun community asserted itself, breaking a slew of online sales records and selling out a stunning 15,000 copies of the print book within weeks.
And three hundred and sixty-six days later, Shadowrun, Fifth Edition is still in the top 10 on! A huge, giant shout out and thank you to the Shadowrun community that have embraced the new edition and brought new players into the fun of the shadows.
We’re starting to hit our stride of fully supporting Fifth Edition, as the last two months has seen Run & Gun, Stolen Souls, and Street Grimoire appearing either on store shelves or in PDF form, with a print book not far behind.
All this has put us in the mood to celebrate! So here’s how we’re going to do it:
First, we’re coordinating with in offering several sales in the coming weeks. Look for those shortly.
And second, a fully corrected PDF—folding in all official errata-to-date—for Shadowrun, Fifth Edition has just been released. (For those who already purchased that item, you should be receiving a notification via email to download that new PDF.)
It’s been a little bit of a bumpy run to reach this point (and what runs don’t go sideways now and then?), but we believe the next 12 months are gonna be even more fantastic than the first 12 for Shadowrun. That includes the publication of the long-anticipated Shadowrun novels, starting with Fire and Frost; the Shadowrun Starter Box and Shadowrun Runner’s Toolkit: Alphaware Box Set; the Shadowrun Online-connected sourcebook Lockdown; the next core rulebook in Run Faster (Echo Chernik’s brilliant cover for this is above), which brings alternate character builds and meta variants, and a slew of other options; the much-anticipated Shadowrun: Crossfire cooperative-deckbuilding game; Hostile Takeover, the Shadowrun boardgame; Shadowrun miniatures; and so much more!
So get out and get running! Join us in the shadows!